Unlike with most types of window treatments, vertical blinds sets have their panels stretching up and down across the windowpane. When swiveling them, the panels pivot to the right and left, and the entire frame (or collapsible stack) slides sideways along the windowsill. This type of window treatment is perfect for wall-length windows, French doors, and any other wall opening that’s longer than tall. For Los Altos residents, vertical blinds are cheaper than ever before, as well as more convenient.
Vertical Blinds For Los Altos Homes And Workplaces
Kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms are the most likely rooms around the house to have long, low windows that these blinds do well for. Office vertical blinds can also be a real lifesaver when it comes to work environment and client hospitality. If you want to keep half of the room containing reflective desks and monitor screens shaded while letting sunlight into the other, you can! These treatments are also great for waiting rooms, lounges, and any room with a large glass door.
Sliding Door Vertical Blinds
Using regular covers for large surface areas isn’t as optimal as choosing vertical blinds for large windows. They are easy enough to install. Setting them up on doorways requires a little more forethought to keep the entrance usable, but it’s completely doable for our experienced blinds installation team here at Los Altos Blinds & Shades. Sliding glass doors with vertical blinds just need another set of tracks along the wall and ceiling for the blinds to move along. In the case of French doors and similar entrances, a bar running overhead to hang the panels from is the simpler option. Transparent doors of all kinds benefit from these coverings for all the same reasons windows do and to the same degree.
Custom Designed Blinds in Los Altos
Our services include a free consultation, construction, and installation as part of one affordable package. You’ll get a free quote at the beginning when our design experts help you decide all the details of your new vertical blinds or other treatments. Aside from the size and shape of the window or door you need covered, we’ll take decoration scheme, materials, and cost into account as requested. Would you prefer wood, vinyl, or aluminum panels? We’ve got them all! You can choose any colors or patterns, as well as padding or other texture additions. When it comes time for the vertical blinds installation, we’ll bring them back to your Los Altos address as soon as you can fit in the appointment.
Vertical Blinds Motorized For Your Convenience
Vertical blinds make an easy combination with other window treatments, especially if they use electric power sources. For instance, by putting motorized vertical blinds and curtains made from thin fabric over the same window, you get total control over the room’s sunlight distribution. Adjust both frames to get whatever combination of broken, filtered, complete, and no sunlight you want in each part of the room! You can also invest in a set of motorized vertical blinds with Wi-Fi remote control options. That can allow you to use your smartphone to control the blinds or even Google Home or Alexa.
Get New Blinds Custom Made
From vertical blinds with motors to blackout covers that grant complete privacy, our range of customizable options is huge. Live or work near the Los Altos area? Then give us a call and set up a free estimate on vertical blinds for your home or office. We can make your new blinds from wood, metal, vinyl or even a variety of faux wood synthetic materials. Choose the features you want like timer operation and remote control and have your vertical blinds open and close with zero effort. Learn all about the different options available to you by booking an at-home/office consultation today!